我们最近试用了LAUDA BOTANICALS推出的Blackhead Remover Cleanser,这款含水杨酸的深层毛孔清洁凝胶真的令我们惊艳!这款产品不适合敏感肌肤使用,所以一定要先在小面积测试一下,避免引起过敏反应。Blackhead ⁢Remover Cleanser的配方采用了乳酸和水杨酸等AHA和BHA酸,可以有效清洁毛孔、去除黑头,并缩小堵塞的毛孔,让我们的肌肤看起来更加通透细腻。


使用Blackhead Remover Cleanser后,我们立竿见影地看到了黑头和白头减少的效果。不要担心疼痛感,这款产品使用起来非常温和,只需2-3次即可看到明显效果。为了达到更好的效果,有些用户还会结合面部蒸汽器、鼻贴或提取工具使用。

我们对Blackhead Remover Cleanser的效果非常满意,但如果您对产品有任何不满,不用担心,30天的厂家保证覆盖在您身上。这款产品不仅可以消除黑头、白头和暗斑,还可以溶解堵塞的毛孔,让肌肤看起来更加清爽和通透。如果您也一直苦恼于黑头问题,不妨试试这款Blackhead Remover Cleanser,相信您也会爱不释手!



【独家评测】LAUDA BOTANICALS祛黑头洁面乳,深层净化毛孔,黑头祛除凝胶插图

1. 深层毛孔洁面霜‍ – 消除黑头、减少毛孔:

  • 我们的黑头清洁霜含有乳酸和水杨酸等AHA和BHA酸,能够清洁毛孔、深层排毒和减少膨胀的毛孔;适合男性、女性和青少年使用;不适合敏感肌肤。
  • 专业的美容护肤专家会在患有混合性皮肤、油性皮肤和易长痘痘的患者身上使用我们的去黑头产品,安全有效地去除顽固黑头;这种有效的凝胶也可用作去粉刺。

2. 快速见效:

  • 使用我们的去黑头洁面凝胶毫无痛苦;在短短2-3次尝试中即可看到效果;一些客户为了获得更好的效果,会与面部蒸汽器、鼻部黑头去除贴或提取工具结合使用。
  • 我们对您的黑头清除深层毛孔洁面霜有信心,但如果因任何原因您不满意,30天的制造商保证将保障您的权益。

赶快点击以下链接,了解更多关于这款产品的信息:⁢ 前往购买


【独家评测】LAUDA BOTANICALS祛黑头洁面乳,深层净化毛孔,黑头祛除凝胶插图2





【独家评测】LAUDA BOTANICALS祛黑头洁面乳,深层净化毛孔,黑头祛除凝胶插图4


  • 该清洁凝胶富含AHA和BHA酸,如乳酸和水杨酸,能够有效地去除黑头、深层清洁,并减少扩张的阻塞毛孔。
  • 适合男性、女性和青少年使用,但不适合敏感肌肤。


  • 专业的美容和护肤专家在患有混合性皮肤、油性皮肤和易长痘痘皮肤的病人身上有效而安全地使用我们的黑头去除治疗产品。
  • 这种有效的凝胶也可用作去除白头的工具。



【独家评测】LAUDA BOTANICALS祛黑头洁面乳,深层净化毛孔,黑头祛除凝胶插图6

通过使用LAUDA​ BOTANICALS的黑头清洁剂,我们迅速意识到这款产品的强大功效。这款产品不仅能有效地去除黑头和白头,还能溶解堵塞的毛孔,让肌肤呈现出清爽、通透的状态。其含有的乳酸和水杨酸等AHA和BHA酸类成分,可深层洁净皮肤,减少毛孔扩大和阻塞,为您带来深层洁肤体验。


产品尺寸 0.98 x 0.98 ‍x 4.33 英寸; 1 盎司
UPC码 712038553211 646437625777

对于那些想要摆脱顽固黑头的人来说,这款基于乳酸的清洁剂绝对是一个值得考虑的选择。通过与面部蒸汽器、鼻黑头去除带或提取工具等配合使用,您将在短短2-3次尝试中即可看到明显的效果。不再需要等待20分钟使用有害化学品的黑头面膜,也不再需要使用侵入式的黑头挤压工具,LAUDA BOTANICALS的深层洁肤凝胶能为您解决黑头、白头和暗黄斑点等问题,让您拥有清透亮丽的肌肤。



【独家评测】LAUDA BOTANICALS祛黑头洁面乳,深层净化毛孔,黑头祛除凝胶插图8


I was skeptical as hell to buy this because⁣ i’m a firm believer in blackheads can only really be pulled out, however, ‍I am in love with this product. I got it in the mail yesterday and I ​used it on​ my chin, nose and⁤ a little on my forehead. ​Typically I can get a‍ pretty good amount out of my nose from a biore strip but i never have any luck with my chin or forehead whatsoever. After using this once, 95% of my‍ blackheads are completely gone form my chin, forehead, and nose. I didnt use a strip⁢ after because I didnt have any left but good lord the ⁣stuff worked good enough​ on its own! I​ will‍ always have one ⁣of these. I‌ didnt ⁤experience and redness ‍or sensitivity, the only thing that I dont love is the smell is super strong. Smells very medicinal and it‍ is a tad overwhelming given this stuff sits right around your nose, but its not bad enough to keep me from using it ‌or buying again!
Fabulous product that actually works! My ‌skin is sensitive, so I ‍can only use so many products and do so ⁣many treatments to it. This product did not irritate my skin and got the results it claimed.​ You did have to continue using it‌ for maintenance, which is the truth ⁤of all​ skincare. The reason I gave it four​ stars‌ instead of five: because you ‌have‌ to massage‌ the skin after the gel dries, it can irritate ‌and tug the skin which is uncomfortable.
I’ve​ used this 3 times now and thought it ⁤was about time for the review. Though it claims to be made of‍ natural ingredients ⁤there is a strong stinging feeling ⁢when​ applied to the skin. It will cause​ the area to become very dry and eventually flakey. When applied on ⁤other​ areas besides the nose ,my ‌skin ends up red and stings a lot. However, it ‌seems to work in getting ⁣rid of some blackheads – not all. With all ​of that said….moisturize frequently !!
It ​works, it works, it works! So I have had a large ​stubborn blackhead on my chin for months, and when I say months people, I mean months. This was the type that leaves the skin raised like⁣ a pimple. Squeezing just made ⁣it dig in⁣ deeper ⁤and left ​dark marks on my face. I finally came across ⁢this product and decided to ⁢give it a try. I followed the instructions and applied it 3 ⁣times‍ and it still looked like nothing was going to happen. Rubbing just left my skin red from the friction. I was beginning ⁣to be⁣ depressed again and tried to remove the ‍blackhead‍ by‌ squeezing one more time. Wow!!! ‍That blackhead popped right out without​ me having to press too hard. I am going to make sure to always have this product in my​ bag of tricks and I will‌ probably be clutching it in my hands instead of lilies when they lower me⁢ into the grave.
I bought this hoping ⁤it would remove​ my blackheads. I have read all of the reviews and the only bad thing I ​saw was⁤ it smelled weird. It ⁣does smell kind of weird, but it doesn’t bother me that ⁣much. I tried this for 2 weeks, and nothing. When I put it on it kind of burned a little so I was hoping it would do ​something and it⁣ never did.​ I followed the directions very well and still it only makes my skin smooth, but does not remove my blackheads.⁣ If you’re⁢ getting this to just make your skin smoother than it’s great for ​that, but if you’re getting⁤ it to remove blackheads, don’t buy it.
Not what I needed
I ‌was unsure about this product until⁢ I tried It!⁢ It is ⁢a strong gel!​ I do not think this is a good⁢ fit for sensitive skin. I applied it on my T-zone ⁢area, waited about 2 minutes and massaged it off in slow circular motions – all the dead skin rolled ⁣right off and I could see the bigger black heads “rise up” but didn’t⁣ completely come out so I rinsed the area ⁢with warm-almost hot water, applied a nose strip (these have never worked on me) but after using ​one following the dissolving gel, BOOM! every‍ single blackhead ‍came ‍right out. even blackheads I didn’t know I had⁤ in my inner cheek area. I think removing‍ the dead ‌skin first helped the strip pull⁣ out the blackheads. I’m recommending these to my mom and sister since we all have huge pores.
I was VERY skeptical. There is no way this product would work right? I have tons of persistent blackheads that were still there after all other product failures, I was sure this would ​be just another waste ‍of time. First try, ​I applied exactly as instructed. Nothing ‍happened. Ok, let’s put⁣ some more on. Nothing. One more ⁢time. Wait! Do I see my ‍blackheads coming​ out on their on? Yes, it was like a miracle. The same night i had⁤ a follow up email from Concept Skin with a ⁢few tricks. I ‌tried ⁤them tonight: applied some wet heat‌ to the area, performed the treatment⁣ with a‌ thick layer,⁢ rubbed it off, ⁢then applied a blackhead removal strip. All gone! Wonderful product!
Grandiosa scoperta , veramente rimuove i punti neri .. ⁢La ⁣applico sul viso massaggio le zone interessate e non , la posa di uno / due minuti poi rimuovo con⁤ acqua tiepida poi‍ con un getta di acqua gelida . Il top . Molto molto soddisfatta !!
J’ai ​commandé‌ après lire les commentaires mais je n’arrive pas à utiliser​ ce produit , car le laisser sur le visage il brûle la peau ⁣et il ne fait ⁣rien si je lave ‌très vite , c’est un peu dangereux il faut être⁣ prudent
Il prodotto è arrivato‍ in pochi giorni. Comprato per curiosità, ⁢per vedere se⁣ effettivamente⁤ funzionava sui‍ punti neri.‌ L’ho già provato due‍ volte e devo dire che la ‍lascia la pelle liscia, non ho sentito pizzicori o‌ avuto arrossamenti particolari. La cosa migliore rispetto alle altre maschere è la velocità di posa e risciacquo.​ Le ‌istruzioni sono in inglese, ma facili ⁣da comprendere. L’unica pecca sono le dimensioni del flaconcino‌ veramente minime. Comunque continuerò ad applicarlo e se nel tempo vedrò considerevoli miglioramenti sicuramente lo riacquisterò.
A leggere le recensioni mi​ aspettavo così cosa…non fa assolutamente nulla.A volte queste⁤ recensioni quasi fosse il prodotto top in the world io non le capisco ve…mah


【独家评测】LAUDA BOTANICALS祛黑头洁面乳,深层净化毛孔,黑头祛除凝胶插图10



  • 深层净化毛孔:含有AHA和BHA酸,如乳酸和水杨酸,可以深层清洁毛孔,减少堵塞的毛孔,不再需要痛苦的黑头吸尘器。
  • 乳酸配方:适用于混合性肌肤、油性肌肤和易长痘痘的肌肤,安全有效地帮助去除顽固黑头和白头。
  • 快速见效:使用起来无痛,只需2-3次即可见效,一些顾客结合使用蒸脸器、鼻子黑头去除带或去除工具可获得更好的效果。
  • 保证满意:30天制造商保证,如果您不满意,可获得退款保障。
  • 去除黑头、白头和暗斑:这款产品可以溶解暗斑和清除堵塞的毛孔,无需使用有害化学物质的黑头面膜或侵入性的粉刺去除工具。


  • 不适合敏感肌肤:产品不适合敏感性肌肤,使用前需先在小范围测试,避免不适反应。
  • 需谨慎使用:建议避免接触眼睛,对于有特殊肤质的人群需谨慎使用。
  • 不适合所有人群:产品不适合所有人群,只适用于一部分肤质,需仔细了解产品说明后再决定购买。


【独家评测】LAUDA BOTANICALS祛黑头洁面乳,深层净化毛孔,黑头祛除凝胶插图12
Q: 如何使用这款祛黑头洁面乳?
A: 使用前请在小面积试用,如果有敏感反应,请停止使用。避免接触眼部。洁面时,将适量产品涂抹于湿脸上,轻柔按摩后用清水冲洗即可。

Q: 这款产品适合哪种肤质?
A: 这款洁面乳适合混合性肌肤、油性肌肤和易长痘肌肤使用,但不适合敏感肌肤。

Q: 当使用该产品时可以看到什么样的效果?
A: 使用2-3次后即可看到明显效果,部分客户还会结合使用面部蒸汽器、鼻部去黑头贴或提取工具以取得更好效果。

Q: 这款洁面乳有哪些功效?
A: 该产品可以有效去除黑头、白头和暗疮,消除毛孔深处的污垢,使肌肤更加清洁和明亮。

Q: 是否有产品保证?
A: 我们对这款祛黑头洁面乳产品的效果非常有信心,但如果由于任何原因您不满意,我们提供30天的制造商保证,让您放心购买。

【独家评测】LAUDA BOTANICALS祛黑头洁面乳,深层净化毛孔,黑头祛除凝胶插图14
无论您是面对顽固的黑头,还是渴望深层净化毛孔,LAUDA BOTANICALS的祛黑头洁面乳都是您的最佳选择。我们的独特配方混合了乳酸和水杨酸等AHA和BHA酸,能够彻底清洁毛孔、减少粉刺堵塞,让您拥有清爽的肌肤。试用几次,您就能看到明显的效果,让肌肤细腻光滑。我们对产品效果充满信心,但如果您有任何不满,我们提供30天退款保证。

想要让肌肤恢复到最佳状态吗?点击这里购买LAUDA BOTANICALS祛黑头洁面乳,让您拥有清爽无瑕的肌肤: 立即购买